Friday, January 16, 2015

#6 - Fuck Cancer

Wow really?

So, I finally make this decision to change my life and I'm dealing fairly well with the fallout of that decision.....because of course people's opinions are like assholes....everyone has one and a lot of them are shitty. the midst of all of this upheaval from my choice I find out that my mom who has been having a bit of a health scare now has to go for surgery to remove a cyst and they will be taking one of her ovaries as well and now my dad, who had a tumour on his bladder just before Christmas (and went in for surgery to have it removed) found out that they couldn't get it all, it's stage 2 and has moved into the surrounding muscles so he has some difficult decisions to make about how to proceed with treatment.

Crystal had laughed when I bought my Captain Amell Fuck Cancer t-shirt a while back to support cancer research but she says to me now.....oh I get it now. Lol

Why is it that when the shit flies, it's all at once?

Everyone will be okay, I am positive of this, but I just wish that my parents didn't have to deal with this shit.....I wish nobody did, but least of all my parents.  

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