Friday, February 20, 2015

#15 - Day 17 Post-op

Change IS painful......

So I haven't written in a while but to be honest I've been exhausted and a bit sore and a bit feeling sorry for myself.

I didn't want to write a bunch of pity party bullshit so I thought I would wait.

Highest Weight (January 20th): 233
Starting Weight (Day of surgery - February 3rd): 229
Current Weight (February 20): 211.6

Down 21.4 lbs in a month......well lets be real, since surgery, 17 days ago, I am down 17.4 lbs so I'm averaging about one pound a day right now. Having said that I've had pretty much nothing but liquids for the last month so of course I've lost weight lmao.

The incisions are almost healed, however the cuts I have all over my stomach from the reaction I had to the medical tape seem to be taking just as long to heal as the incisions and after sitting upright for too long in a day I get sore.

I'm so exhausted so that hasn't changed at all. I know it will but so far it's hard to bring myself to do anything, I really just want to sleep. I feel slightly weak and tired.....again probably from ingesting nothing but liquids, although I'm getting in between 60 - 95 grams of protein per day and taking all of my vitamins so I'm not sure why I don't have more energy than I do.

The big thing I'm having trouble with is getting in my fluids. We are supposed to have 80 - 100 grams of protein, plus 64 ounces of fluids (32 of which should be water). For the first week I had massive esophageal spasms every single time I drank something so I was lucky I was able to suck back my protein shakes let alone any liquids. Those have subsided thank god but I am really bad at getting my liquids in.

I also can't stand the taste of the Genepro. Everyone said they can mix it in with food and not even taste it but I can and it alters the taste of my food and I hate that!!

I seem to also have developed a lactose intolerance which apparently is not all that uncommon after surgery. I have to give it a few weeks and then try again and hopefully it's just temporary. Right now I've been using soy milk for my shakes, which I'll admit doesn't taste too bad but honestly I don't like milk on a normal day so I'm considering going back to just using water for them.

Average days lately look like this:

Protein shake (27 grams of protein and 3 ounces of soy milk)
Emergen-c packet (6 ounces of liquid) - 9 ounces total

Protein shake (27 grams of protein and 3 ounces of soy milk) - 54 grams of protein and 12 ounces of liquid total

Throughout the day maybe another 20 ounces of liquid - water and tea

3 TBSP mashed potatoes, or
1 Scrambled egg, or
3-4 oz soup

Spoonful of Jello
Spoonful of chocolate pudding or chocolate mousse
Peppermint Tea
1-3 Saltines

Okay so now that I'm looking at this I really need to either start adding the Genepro to something I eat for dinner or I need to suck back a third protein shake at night because I'm no longer getting my protein intake.

Fuck I just want a chicken breast and some salad!!

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