Wednesday, August 2, 2023

#27 - 8 Week Follow Up

So here I am, officially 8 weeks post surgery.....that's two whole months for those that can't do the math. 

I am still fitting into the same size clothes albeit they are a better fit and in some ways looser as there is no extra skin there so they are more "comfortable" but I haven't (so far) gone down any sizes....that I can tell. 

As mentioned earlier for those who are following along.....which truth be told is nobody but me, the things I've got going on are:

  • Poofiness in the tummy that seems to come and go 
  • Some stretch marks around the sides of my belly button that I could swear weren't there before
  • Super tightness in my abdomen (under belly button but just above/on the incision line)

My pre-surgery, 5 weeks and 8 weeks photos are below:

8 Week Follow Up Appointment 

At my 8 week follow up with Dr. Edwards today I had all my questions planned out in advance so I wouldn't forget this time......and I walked away VERY happy. 

He said everything looks amazing and that I sailed through the surgery with no issues and that I've done very good with following the instructions and I'm healing like a champ.

  • How much skin was cut off - 1,946 almost 2 kilos.....and for anyone wondering like I was, my trust conversion app says that is a HOPPING 4.29 pounds.....Jesus H Christ!!!! He said that's a lot for someone who's "slim".....catch that he called me "slim". But no seriously.....4.29 pounds WOW.
  • Am I noticing bloating more because the excess skin is gone or is something wrong that I am poofy like this? - He poked around and checked things out to ensure it was not fluid build up and said no, 100% it is just every day regular bloating and still some swelling from the surgery that I am noticing and because there is not all the extra skin this is 100% why I am noticing it. He did say this will continue to go down more as being only 8 weeks out I still have more healing to do and that I will notice when I wake in the morning it will be flatter and as the day goes on it will puff out a bit more but that this is a common question/complaint from EVERYBODY. Glad he cleared up that I'm not going to pop.......
    • Having said this, I may not "need' it but it did make me feel better and got things moving so I will continue doing the odd session here and there.

  • What's your take on Lymphatic Massage? Good, bad? - I just about died laughing with the look on his face and the rolling of the eyes Bahahaha. He said no you don't need to.....your lymphatic system either works or it doesn't so no it's not needed.....if your lymphatic system is not working properly that would help make things move but if your system is working and you're "passing everything" then it's totally not needed.

  • What's the deal with the pain in this one spot in my abdomen? (below belly button, just above/on the incision line). The muscle feels very tight and it hurts to straighten up some days still......if I twist a certain way or jump up and down it hurts. Is it just a tight muscle and will ease up eventually like the others or could it be something more and if so WHAT???? - It's a "deep stitch"....he checked and he found what I was talking about immediately and said no this WILL ease up it's just a deeper stitch than the others so I am feeling it a bit more but it should clear itself up when the stitch fully dissolves.

  • Do I continue to wear the abdominal binder and if so for how long and still 24/7?? - DONE.....I am RID OF THIS BEAST, FUCK YEAH!!! He said everything looks good and I don't need it at all anymore, not even for a few hours per day.

  • Can I have baths and/or go in the hot tub now? - Good to go!!!

  • Can I go back to F45? There is a large  component of cardio (bouncing), core work and weightlifting so can I go and just ease up as needed? - Nothing super vigourous wth the abs until I'm about 3 months out so NO CORE WORK, no sit ups etc. but 100% I can start my strength training and stuff again.

  • Tape on scars for 3 months post op right? So one more month? Or more/less? - Some people do 6 weeks, some people do 12....after 8 weeks he doesn't care. If I find it "soothing" continue and fit I find it annoying stop, at this point the incision is healed and the tape isn't doing anything other than perhaps giving me peace of mind.

  • What can I do to reduce the scarring for the incisions and my belly button? Silicone gels/sheets? Vitamin E and collagen oil? Mederma? - There's all kinds of creams and silicone tapes and silicone creams but really if you don't want to be bothered with it Mother Nature will do it's thing and it will heal so it's personal preference if I want to "try" something.

I will keep on updating if/as things come up and continue indicting my progress. 

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