Monday, November 21, 2022

#18 - Next steps…….What to do with all this skin......

How To Get Rid of Loose Skin after Weight Loss

For the past few years I have been having more issues with the loose skin I have from my weight loss. 

The skin hanging under my belly over my groin area (the “gunt” or “gunny sack” or apron or whatever lovely name you know it by) will at times leave me with rashes in my groin or even open sores when stretch marks in my groin area “tear open”. Also at times my belly button tears on the sides which is super painful. 


Any/all of these things typically happen following heavier work out sessions where I’m moving a lot and bouncing around – so more so cardio but I find it can happen at any time for any/no reason as well.

Coverage by Alberta Health Care 

I had reached out to Dr. Toy’s office (“THE” plastic surgeon in Edmonton if you know anything about plastic surgery in Edmonton) in September 2016 to ask about a consultation as I had lost a significant amount of weight and was interested in a Panni.

(Note: A Panni……official name panniculectomy is an operative procedure used for abdominal wall contouring, changing the shape and form of the abdomen by removing significant excess skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue from the tummy area. This procedure is performed on patients with a large overhanging abdominal panniculus.


His office replied to advise me I had to have my Doctor send in a referral and it was a TWO YEAR waiting list at that point. Well what in the actual fuck……..


Okay so left that alone and forgot about it for a while……..


For some reason – I am not that bright – I reached out to Dr. Toy’s office again (not sure why I didn’t look up other doctors, maybe thinking since it had been some time (4 years) the process would be different now, or maybe I forgot it was his office I reached out to the first time, who knows) in  July 2020 to ask again about a consultation and again his office replied to advise me I had to have my Dr. send in a referral and it was a TWO YEAR waiting list STILL at that point. 


This time I approached my doc with the info and background I know of…….I told him the following: 

As you know I’ve lost about 90 lbs since my weight loss surgery and I am having issues with the excess skin. I’m getting rashes and tearing and it’s painful. 


I am aware that after significant weight loss Alberta Health Care may cover a panniculectomy which is an operative procedure used for abdominal wall contouring, changing the shape and form of the abdomen by removing significant excess skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue from the tummy area. This procedure is performed on patients with a large overhanging abdominal panniculus. 


I know this requires a doctor’s referral and was hoping you could refer me. 


He said well yeah you’re right…..who would you like to see? Again at this point being not that bright and not having researched any other doctors but knowing Dr. Toy is like “the best” or some shit like that I said Dr. Toy and he said okay I will send in the referral. 


And I'm stillllllllll waiting...........

Fast forward at least a year and a half and I am sick and tired of waiting as I haven’t heard a word since I asked for the referral. I would like to think that my doctor DID in fact actually do the referral (and did not forget or drop the ball) but that Dr. Toy is just an overpaid asshole with a giant waiting list and so there STILL is no openings.  


From the reading I’ve done while waiting, it appears that the Panni usually is for body contouring and to remove the pannus – the apron of skin hanging in the lower abdomen, under your belly button and this typically does not do much to fix any loose skin or ab issues above the belly button. Because I have excess skin hanging over my belly button and below this is more in line with a Tummy Tuck (official name: Abdominoplasty) where they tighten the abdominal muscles and get rid of the extra fat, skin, and tissue both below and above the belly button. 


Again from what I have read SOME doctors will do the procedure and charge a portion to AHC as a Panni and then the patient pays additional money to have the abdominal repair for above the belly button at the same time. Some doctors will NOT do anything in addition to the Panni and then you end up with a very odd looking stomach…….blah blah blah…… many weird things and questions etc. 


At this point it’s about October 2022 (can’t remember exact dates) and I decided that because I had a decent savings account and “could” potentially afford to pay for this I wanted to start taking matters into my own hands and start researching more so I could get some informed answers and potentially move forward rather than continuing to wait….and wait…….and wait. 


Researching Surgeons……

So when I start researching surgeons there are some names that pop up more routinely with amazing reviews and on lots of posts, blogs, plastic surgery websites etc. These are Dr. Toy, Dr. Chong, Dr. Edwards and Dr. Giuffre, so I start checking things out…….

Dr. Jonathon Toy 

Remember I had reached out twice to ask about consult and was advised I needed the doctor’s referral. Well now that I was considering moving forward with paying I looked into it again as he really is one of the most “renowned” surgeons in Edmonton with a million amazing reviews and everyone seems to think he’s God. 


Anyways I go to his site and get this…….the fucker charges a $100 (plus tax) consultation fee just to talk to you about it…..and this fee is NOT deducted from the final surgery fee. I am sorry but the simple fact that on top of the $10-20k surgery you also have to be so petty as to charge me $100 for ½ an hour of your time just to tell me about the potential surgery…….I was instantly like, I am done with you……God or not. 


Dr. Feng Chong

So this guy is another one that is insanely highly rated. I call his office to ask about a consultation and they ask a bunch of questions and they get to the “do you smoke/vape” question and I am honest and say I quit smoking years ago but yes I currently vape, a very low mg amount but I do. 


They advise me that Dr. Chong will not even see me for a consultation until I have been smoke/vape free for a minimum of a year before the CONSULT even happens (not the surgery but the consult)……..okay fuck you too……next……


Dr. Edwards

Dr. Edwards is next and seems to have lots of accolades and when I had asked my friend Cyndi who she went to she had previously told me her surgeon was not taking patients but Dr. Edwards was and he was supposed to be really good…….so online endorsements and Cyndi’s suggestion……both looking good.


Dr. Edwards works out of Meadowlark Health Centre. Ummmmmmm okay this dude works out of a mall???? 


After doing some more searching I realize that Dr. Edwards, Giuffre as well as another few surgeons (Dr. Korus and Dr. Adil) all work out of there and that Meadowlark which used to be a “mall” now still has a Walmart and Safeway but otherwise is entirely made up of medical offices and facilities and has for many MANY years so I guess it’s not “as” weird as I am thinking it is lol. 


I call and they are booked through the end of the year but ask a bunch of questions and set me up with a consultation with Dr. Edwards for January 23, 2023.

Dr. Giuffre

I call for a consult with Dr. Giuffrie and they advise he is also booked through the remainder of the year and they don’t yet have his schedule for the new year so to call back closer to December and they would schedule me in. (Note: I called back and got a tentative consultation date in March 2023).